Mario Galaxy 2: IGN Review

I stumbled on the review of Mario Galaxy 2 on IGN a day late, but it wanted to make me buy the game even more.  My Wii is not hooked up now that I am at my Aunt’s house, but once I move into my newly built one I will surely be picking up this game.  

The game is described as simply “amazing” according to IGN. They describe the game as a huge leap into the series with the most versatile controls ever.

To sum up a few changes, Mario’s camera is not completely fixed.  Sure, at times it will snag and let go of your view, but it can be easily altered with the manual controlled buttons. Although, it is designed to be almost “flawless”.

Also, Yoshi is now finally playable, as apposed to the first Galaxy game. Even though the worlds are limited for Yoshi, he has abilities that make the game more intuitive. His controls are also compared to that of Mario’s and very pinpointed. The ability to grasp onto “objects and hooks” is very easy with the Wii’s point and click method. Yoshi has the ability to float up high along ledges and high platforms and also the ability to glow to illuminate invisible ledges.  Don’t get too hasty players! IGN states that you can only step on these ledges when they are lighted.

The game also has a unique 3D to 2D switch that alternates throughout the entirety of the game. What I also noticed when watching previews, you can replay old favorites in throwback Galaxies, which feature levels from your old favorites like Mario 64.

When Super Mario 64 came out, it was almost a perfect score and now Super Mario Galaxy 2 has taken the long reigns in the competition and heirs atop the thrown of Mario.

Click on the picture above or here to read the review! Enjoy!

One response to “Mario Galaxy 2: IGN Review

  1. It also got a 10 on Gamespot!

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